I CAN NOT WITHOUT BLOOD IN MY VEINS only blood in my pulse . just because of blood real friend accompany birth to my life and only until ahir blood heart got this, nobody could understand one heart, liver and blood always together and need each other, and also need blood flow in pulse. all my friend needed blood and the heart, the eyes of all the organs of the body is a friend who never leave, only true friend is my own blood, the blood sometimes have to go memutupi disgrace scratched wound in the skin, blood understand this thems...
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Pidato inggris Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. On this good occasion let us praise the presence of Allah SWT which has given us the pleasure and hidayah to us so we can gather in good health today. Contents of Speech: Ladies and Gentlemen, The speech I will convey this time explains the economics of community livelihoods that must be tackled by government and community cooperation. Allah SWT is very loving people take advantage of life well, sharing, and frugality. So let us begin the cooperation between the people and the government how to prosper our perceived economy and the enterprising spirit to work for the sustainability of prosperous and prosperous society. Ladies and gentlemen, This includes the future prosperity and welfare of the people, which must be equitable. By teaching children to save money, it is hoped that they can be indepe...
interview I will ask quetion abaot the beat box. 1. How long have you been in the music world 2. day practicing how many times a day ... 3 Your usual and ordinary communities practicing with friends in your community groups where 4 Why your are very fond of this musici answer; 1.it,s been almost a year almost every time and activitities I choose a beat frommy mouth usually me met and each share in corner cafe because i think beat box that are very unigue in beat box we ca...
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